How To Sneak Weed Into A Music Festival or Concert - 420 Friendly Hacks
How To Sneak Weed Into A Music Festival or Concert - 420 Friendly Hacks
The majority of cannabis users will tell you that marijuana enhances the sound quality of music. The 420 culture is on the rise and is currently at its epitome. Weed or cannabis today is slowly getting legal throughout the world, and why shouldn’t it? Weed has never made anyone aggressive. Its effects are quite the contrary. Marijuana calms the brain while enhancing our receptors to perceive everything in a mellow and clearer manner.
So, keeping it banned in concerts seems like overkill. If anything, the weed only makes the concert experience more amplified and uplifting. It is odd to see how alcohol at these festivals is sold at a much higher rate while knowing very well that alcohol has adverse effects on the consumer’s behavior.
Sneaking weed into a concert seems more than fair, and for the most part, it isn’t really a challenging job, but it indeed can be a little daunting at times. So here are a few ways in which you can pull off some cannabis-related shenanigans and sneak weed into the concert:
1. Sneak It In Through Your Sneakers
One of the best places to hide your secret stash before entering the concert is in your sneakers. It is because the guards who are patting you down are no TSA guards. If it were in the procedure to pat people down and even check their shoes, it would take forever at the gates. So, it is highly unlikely that any guard would ask you to take off your shoes. So, try sneaking a joint or two in there next time you go for a concert.
2. Cigarette Pack
Storing marijuana in a cigarette pack lets you appear to be a harmless tobacco user.
The cigarette (being more dangerous than cannabis) might be one of the most common and yet smart ways to smuggle in your weed. The cigarette pack is basically a storage area, so why not use this. You can either roll your weed into a cigarette-like rolling paper or hide the weed at the bottom of the pack. The guards will peg you for a smoker and would let you through without any further questions or investigation because you gave the impression that you are carrying solely a legitimate pack of smokes.
3. The Wallet
there is a new wave of wallets going around called wrist wallets or arm wallets. These are brilliant inventions to sneak in almost any drug into a concert. This wallet goes around the hand like a wristband and does not give the slightest hint that it is a wallet.
What’s more interesting is that these days, believe it or not, but most of the people who bring cannabis to a concert hide it in their wallets and roll it later after entering. The wallet is one of the safest and most reliable places to store your weed stash. It is because your wallet is your personal property with your information on it. So to check the wallet would be an invasion of privacy.
So, try getting yourself one of these hand purses, because this might be the most convenient and most comfortable way to get that stash in!
See this bunch of wearable wallets:
4. Phone Case
A phone case is also one of the most used methods of getting weed through security. But it can be a little difficult to store some weed these, that’s why there are special phone cases that have a small place where you are allowed to store anything. This concealed place will be towards the inside of the phone cover, so clearly, it will not be visible to the guard. So, try one of these phone cases out.
5. Tape It To Your Leg
It is not really advisable, but it is a promising method to get the weed stash inside the concert. Also, this is only when you have a large group of friends, so, getting the weed inside becomes a mission. Here, you can take a sealed bag of your weed and tape it well near your inner thigh area, or the abdomen. 10/10 guards do not frisk intensely, so you have the upper hand here.
6. Loose Tobacco Pouch
Packing your greens with a loose tobacco pouch is a breeze when you use the loose pouch included in a roll-your-own cigarette pack. It's foolproof since most people won't ask you if they witness you rolling up, especially if you have a tobacco-rolled decoy on hand to frighten anyone who might be suspicious.
7.Belt Area
Whether you call it your crotch, belt area, or whatever you want to name it, the area directly behind your pants' button is a wonderful place to "stash your hash." If you're wearing a belt, no one will be able to detect a soft bag of cannabis hidden behind a buckle.
But if you want a belt that already has secret pockets even for your phone, Check this collection OUT!

8. Small Jean Pocket
We don't utilize the Small Jean Pocket very much, save from placing our one-hitter in it. Because few people are aware of its mini-pocket capabilities, it's actually a great place to hide weed. But, in all seriousness, give it a chance.
9. Bra
Stuffing weed in your bra can be a more comfortable choice if you have boobs. Security will not press their hands against your chest because doing so could result in a sexual harassment claim. So ladies use what you’ve got and voila, problem solved. OR, use this bra if you are the slim kinda beauty!
10. Edibles
You most likely want a long-lasting high so that you don't have to worry about finding a peaceful place to smoke. The best idea is to bring cannabis-infused edibles in your belly. it takes an hour or 2 even to kick in, so maybe you can perfectly time it before entering.
You have the option of making them yourself or purchasing them from a dispensary. If you're going to use a store-bought edible, and plan to sneak it in, make sure to take it out of the package first. Wrap them in tin foil or put them in a sandwich bag. If anyone asks, explain that you have diabetes and require them to keep your blood sugar under control if anyone questions your sneaky nibbles.
11. Pen
Keeping your cannabis in a pen is one of the best tried-and-true methods for smuggling marijuana into a concert.
This trick can be to sneak weed into a music festival and aboard when traveling by plane. Simply unscrew your standard ballpoint and remove the ink cartridge, and you're done! A compact storage unit.
12. Wax Vape Pen/e-cigarette batteries
A festival is a fantastic opportunity to use cannabis concentrates or pre-filled THC cartridges if you have them. Concentrates are much easier to conceal in small settings because a little goes a long way. You can slip a few grams into your wallet without anyone noticing. A gram or two of parchment paper will take up no more space than a business card. You'll need a wax vape pen unless you can figure out how to get a setup and torch into your festival.
On e-cigarette batteries, pre-filled cartridges are used. You should be able to call it an e-cig and get away with it, but your cartridge might give you away. You should take extra steps only in case security has discovered the greatest THC cartridges available. There are batteries with 510 threads that hide your cartridge and make it less noticeable. You can alternatively simply place the cartridge in a shoe.
13. Vape Mod
You have a place to put your weed if you have a two to three battery vape mod. If you're going to use your vape, simply remove the batteries and store them separately. You'll have enough room for a quarter of ground-up buds with a three-battery mod. You should be able to easily sneak weed into a festival using this strategy because security is unconcerned about your nicotine fix.
14. Deodorant
At music festivals, deodorants should not raise any red flags. It's to be expected that people will sweat. You can stuff a bag of cannabis into an empty deodorant canister and carry it in your backpack. There should be enough room for roughly an eighth of a pound of cannabis.
You can save the last portion of a deodorant bar, take it out of the plastic, and lay it aside if you want to be extra covert. To do so, spin the wheel until the spring returns to its original position. After that, you can add weed to the container's bottom. Put that last smidgeon of deodorant back where it belongs, immediately above your stash. If someone opens your deodorant, it will appear normal. Deodorant is also designed to hide odors, allowing you to stay low while getting high on the go.
15. Hair or beard
You can leverage your hair or beard as it is one the best way to get weed into a concert.
A guy with a lot of beard hair sneaked over 6 wraps of weed in his hair, another man with a very bushy beard once managed to smuggle 8 or 9 joints into his beard. So, if you have a huge bushy beard or hair, that's a possibility.
16. KAM
If you want something that doesn't appear like a stash bag, look no further than Erbanna's stylish and odor-proof KAM. For lighters, herbs, credit cards, and other small items, KAM provides a lot of storage space. Not to mention the fact that it features two separate phone compartments with zipped closures. KAM also has a crossbody and wristlet strap, making it easy to carry around all of your festival essentials.
17. Disguise Stash
Soda cans have been hollowed out and repurposed as storage containers. If you're going to use a stash can, getting a larger pack of the same cans is a good idea. Then you'll be able to blend your stash in with them. Drinking is expected at an event that lasts several days.
A fake Scotch lint roller is one of the best ways to get weed into a festival if that's too much trouble. It's made with a real lint roller and works like one from beginning to end. You may even switch out the roll and continue to use it. If that bad boy is coated with lint, no one will notice. It's not like you can do laundry or have a closet full of clothes to choose from during a festival. As a result, you should bring a lint roller to the festival.
18. Flashlights
This trick is old school, but it still holds true for concerts that regardless of your dual spotlights smartphones, still bring a good old flashlight that could be used for smuggling in some weeds. The simplest method is to remove the batteries and replace them with pot-filled baggies. It's not suspicious, and security wouldn't be bothered by a harmless-looking flashlight.
19. Backpack
A festival must-have is a backpack. Not only for carrying water and sunscreen but also for concealing your pot and weed accessories. However, any old book-bag will not suffice. You'll need something stealthy, odor-proof, water-resistant, and lockable, like this:
20. Stash lighters
‘Stash lighters work great; simply ensure you get a pack of smokes or something similar on standby in case they want to go deeper through your stuff.'
Stash lighters are an under-appreciated tool that is small, easy to carry, and great for concealing your stash. They are available from any online merchant, mainly Amazon. You can stow your ganja in the concealed chamber of a stash lighter. It's as simple as slipping it into your pocket and walking straight past anyone who might be suspicious.
21. Smoking Pipe
Instead of smoking a joint, how about a bowl, a pipe, or a dugout? Now you're in a pickle: how do you get weed and your paraphernalia into a concert? While some advocate going to the nether regions, we have a reliable system to promote. Use one of the techniques listed above to sneak your weed into the concert, then construct a pipe out of various items once you are there. Given the amount of beer and non-alcoholic beverages sold at most concerts, a styrofoam cup bong could be just the ticket.
To Sum It Up
So there you have it: as this list indicates, marijuana can be integrated into your preferred show in a variety of ways. And, hey, there's always someone smoking marijuana in the parking lot if you're really worried. Is that not one of the many uses of a parking lot?
According to statistics, approximately 22% of festival participants carry illegal narcotics with them. With cannabis legal in multiple states and the number of weed-friendly states expected to grow, that figure will only rise. You can get away with it if they can. You'll have to get a little inventive if you want to sneak weed into a festival. Carrying it in your pockets is dangerous. Every summer, the unprepared hand over their cannabis to festival security. To prevent becoming one of them, use one of these strategies.
It is disappointing to know that weed is not allowed inside concerts, despite its mellowing and enlightening traits. But, this is no hurdle for the 420 cults. As long as there are concerts, there will be a weed at them. To conclude, try out the new hand wallets, and wrist wallets since these are the safest gamble you can make with your stash and the concert, and blaze out to the music and the vibe.